Brazilian_Portuguese.AssocFileExtension=&Associar %1 com a extensπo de arquivo %2
Brazilian_Portuguese.AssocingFileExtension=Associando %1 com a extensπo de arquivo...
English.DescMain=Main ClipMate Program
English.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Adds ClipMate interface to Windows Taskbar
English.DescSpellCheck=Spellcheck and Thesaurus
English.DescSkins=Collection of skin interfaces
English.PromptClose1=ClipMate is still running, and must be closed before you can continue. Do you want to terminate it?
English.PromptClose2=ClipMate has been asked to close. Please wait 5 seconds and then click OK.
English.PromptClipBar=The ClipBar has been installed, but needs to be activated within the Taskbar. Please see "ClipBar" in the help documentation for instructions.
English.RunAtStartup=Automatically run program at system startup?
Spanish.DescMain=ClipMate ProgramaPrincipal
Spanish.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Agrega interfase de ClipMate a la Barra de Tareas de Windows
Spanish.DescSpellCheck= Tesauro y Corrector de Gramßtica
Spanish.DescSkins=Colecci≤n de mascaras de interfaz
Spanish.PromptClose1=ClipMate aun se esta ejecutando y Debe ser cerrado antes de continuar. Quiere usted Terminarlo?
Spanish.PromptClose2=Se solicito el cierre de ClipMate. Espere 5 segundos, Por Favor, y luego, de clic en Aceptar.
Spanish.PromptClipBar=La Barra de Clips se instalo, pero necesita activarla dentro de la Barra de Herramientas. Para Instrucciones, Por favor lea "Barra de Clips" en los documentos de Ayuda.
Spanish.RunAtStartup=Ejecutar automßticamente el programa al Iniciar el Sistema?
PromptVistaRun=Por Favor Inicie el programa desde el menu INICIO de Windows
Italiano.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Italiano.DescMain=Main ClipMate Program
Italiano.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Adds ClipMate interface to Windows Taskbar
Italiano.DescSpellCheck=Spellcheck and Thesaurus
Italiano.DescSkins=Collection of skin interfaces
Italiano.PromptClose1=ClipMate is still running, and must be closed before you can continue. Do you want to terminate it?
Italiano.PromptClose2=ClipMate has been asked to close. Please wait 5 seconds and then click OK.
Italiano.PromptClipBar=The ClipBar has been installed, but needs to be activated within the Taskbar. Please see "ClipBar" in the help documentation for instructions.
Italiano.RunAtStartup=Automatically run program at system startup?
German.PromptVistaRun=Bitte starten Sie das Programm vom Windows Start-Menⁿ.
German.DescMain=ClipMate Hauptprogramm
German.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Fⁿgt ClipMate-Interface zur Windows Taskbar hinzu
German.DescSpellCheck=Rechtschreibprⁿfung und Wortschatz
German.DescSkins=Kollektion von OberflΣchen
German.PromptClose1=ClipMate luft gerade. Es muss geschlossen werden, bevor Sie fortfahren knnen. Wollen Sie es jetzt beenden?
German.PromptClose2=ClipMate ist aufgefordert, sich zu beenden. Bitte warten Sie 5 Sekunden und klicken dann OK.
German.PromptClipBar=Die ClipBar ist installiert worden, sie muss jedoch in der Taskbar aktiviert werden. Bitte sehen Sie unter "ClipBar" in der Hilfe-Dokumentation fr weitere Anweisungen.
German.RunAtStartup=Automatischer Programmstart beim Systemstart?
Polish.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Polish.DescMain=Program ClipMate
Polish.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Dodaje interfejs ClipMate do paska zada± Windows
Polish.DescSpellCheck=Sprawdzanie pisowni i S│ownik
Polish.DescSkins=Zestaw sk≤rek interfejsu
Polish.PromptClose1=ClipMate jest uruchomiony i musi zostaµ zamkniΩty przed kontynuacj╣. Czy chcesz go zamkn╣µ?
Polish.PromptClose2=ClipMate zostanie zamkniΩty. Poczekaj 5 sekund i kliknij OK.
Polish.PromptClipBar=ClipBar zosta│ zainstalowany, ale musi zostaµ uaktywniony w pasku zada±. Zobacz "ClipBar" w dokumentacji pomocy by uzyskaµ wiΩcej informacji.
Polish.RunAtStartup=Automatyczne uruchomianie z startem systemu?
French.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Ajoute l'interface de ClipMate α la barre des tΓches de Windows
French.DescSpellCheck=Correcteur orthographique et synonymes
French.DescSkins=Jeu de skins pour l'interface
French.PromptClose1=ClipMate fonctionne et doit Ωtre fermΘ avant de pouvoir continuer. Voulez-vous l'arrΩter ?
French.PromptClose2=ClipMate a reτu une demande de fermeture. SVP attendre 5 secondes et cliquez sur OK.
French.PromptClipBar=La barre de clips a ΘtΘ installΘe mais il est nΘcessaire de l'activer dans la barre de tΓche. SVP Voir "ClipBar" dans l'aide pour des instructions supplΘmentaires.
French.RunAtStartup=Lancer automatiquement au dΘmarrage de Windows ?
French.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Czech.DescMain=Hlavnφ program ClipMate
Czech.DescClipBar=P°idat ikonu ClipMate do panelu nßstroj∙ Windows
Czech.DescSpellCheck=Kontrola pravopisu a slovnφky
Czech.DescSkins=Sbφrka vzhledu programu (WinXP/2000)
Czech.PromptClose1=Program ClipMate jeÜti bi₧φ, ale musφ se uzavoφt poed pokraeovßnφm. Chcete jej ukoneit?
Czech.PromptClose2=Program ClipMate po₧aduje ukoneenφ. Poekejte prosφm 5 sekund a kliknite na OK.
Czech.PromptClipBar=Program ClipMate byl instalovßn, ale potoebuje aktivovat v panelu nßstroju. Pro informace se prosφm podφvejte na heslo "ClipBar" v nßpovidi.
Czech.RunAtStartup=&Automaticky spustit program p°i startu systΘmu
Danish.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Danish.DescMain=Main ClipMate Program
Danish.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Adds ClipMate interface to Windows Taskbar
Danish.DescSpellCheck=Spellcheck and Thesaurus
Danish.DescSkins=Collection of skin interfaces
Danish.PromptClose1=ClipMate is still running, and must be closed before you can continue. Do you want to terminate it?
Danish.PromptClose2=ClipMate has been asked to close. Please wait 5 seconds and then click OK.
Danish.PromptClipBar=The ClipBar has been installed, but needs to be activated within the Taskbar. Please see "ClipBar" in the help documentation for instructions.
Danish.RunAtStartup=Automatically run program at system startup?
Turkish.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Turkish.DescMain=Main ClipMate Program
Turkish.DescClipBar=ClipBar - Adds ClipMate interface to Windows Taskbar
Turkish.DescSpellCheck=Spellcheck and Thesaurus
Turkish.DescSkins=Collection of skin interfaces
Turkish.PromptClose1=ClipMate is still running, and must be closed before you can continue. Do you want to terminate it?
Turkish.PromptClose2=ClipMate has been asked to close. Please wait 5 seconds and then click OK.
Turkish.PromptClipBar=The ClipBar has been installed, but needs to be activated within the Taskbar. Please see "ClipBar" in the help documentation for instructions.
Turkish.RunAtStartup=Automatically run program at system startup?
Brazilian_Portuguese.PromptVistaRun=Favor iniciar o programa do menu Iniciar do Windows.
Brazilian_Portuguese.DescMain=ClipMate - Programa Principal
Brazilian_Portuguese.DescClipBar=Barra de Clips - Adiciona a Interface do ClipMate na Barra de Tarefas do Windows
Brazilian_Portuguese.DescSpellCheck=Correτπo Ortogrßfica e Thesaurus.
Brazilian_Portuguese.DescSkins=Coleτπo de Capas de Interface
Brazilian_Portuguese.PromptClose1=ClipMate ainda estß rodando, e deve ser fechado antes que vocΩ possa continuar. VocΩ gostaria de fechß-lo?
Brazilian_Portuguese.PromptClose2=ClipMate foi mandado fechar. Por favor aguarde 5 segundos e clique em OK.
Brazilian_Portuguese.PromptClipBar=A Barra de Clips foi instalada, mas precisa ser ativada na Barra de Tarefas. Por favor, veja "Barra de Clips"(ClipBar) na documentaτπo de Ajuda para instruτ⌡es.
Brazilian_Portuguese.RunAtStartup=Rodar o programa automaticamente no inφcio do Sistema?
Dutch.PromptVistaRun=Please start the program from the Windows START menu.
Dutch.DescMain=Hoofdprogramma ClipMate
Dutch.DescClipBar=Clipbalk - voegt interface van ClipMate toe aan Windows taakbalk
Dutch.DescSpellCheck=Spellingcontrole en synoniemenlijst
Dutch.DescSkins=Collectie van skin-interfaces
Dutch.PromptClose1=ClipMate is nog actief en moet afgesloten worden voordat u verder kunt gaan. Wilt u ClipMate afsluiten?
Dutch.PromptClose2=ClipMate is verzocht te sluiten. Wacht vijf seconden en klik dan op OK.
Dutch.PromptClipBar=De clipbalk is ge∩nstalleerd maar moet binnen de taakbalk geactiveerd worden. Zie "ClipBar" in het Help-bestand voor instructies.
Dutch.RunAtStartup=ClipMate met Windows opstarten?
; These files are stubs
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